Terapias Integrales

Inclusión Creativa

Nuestras presentaciones de títeres promueven la inclusión y concientización en escuelas de manera divertida y accesible para todos los niños.

Children are seated around a table in a classroom setting, engaging in activities with paper and art supplies. The classroom appears busy with students focused and collaborating on creative tasks.
Children are seated around a table in a classroom setting, engaging in activities with paper and art supplies. The classroom appears busy with students focused and collaborating on creative tasks.
Conferencias Emotivas

Transformamos temas complejos en mensajes claros y emotivos a través del storytelling, brindando herramientas para el bienestar emocional de las familias.

woman wearing yellow long-sleeved dress under white clouds and blue sky during daytime

Las terapias personalizadas en Caleidoscopio Terapéutico han transformado la vida de mi hijo positivamente.

María López

Children are seated around a table engaged in a painting activity. Each child holds a paintbrush, focusing on their artwork. A variety of colors and art supplies are scattered on the table, creating a lively and creative atmosphere.
Children are seated around a table engaged in a painting activity. Each child holds a paintbrush, focusing on their artwork. A variety of colors and art supplies are scattered on the table, creating a lively and creative atmosphere.

Las conferencias son informativas y emotivas, ayudando a comprender mejor el autismo y sus desafíos.

Juan Pérez

A group of adults and children are gathered indoors in a joyful setting, participating in a physical activity. They are raising their hands above their heads, some holding colorful toys, indicating they might be engaged in an interactive game or exercise. The environment has a relaxed and vibrant atmosphere with bright lighting and creative decorations.
A group of adults and children are gathered indoors in a joyful setting, participating in a physical activity. They are raising their hands above their heads, some holding colorful toys, indicating they might be engaged in an interactive game or exercise. The environment has a relaxed and vibrant atmosphere with bright lighting and creative decorations.

Contacto Terapias

"El autismo no define a una persona, sino que le da una perspectiva única. Es un espectro de posibilidades donde cada individuo brilla con su propia luz, y nuestro trabajo es ayudar a que esa luz resplandezca."